School Support & Consultative Services
OT-Kids is proud to collaborate with a number of local preschools, private schools and organizations throughout Fairfield County. Our therapists provide developmental screenings, staff in-services and trainings, curriculum consultation, and support services for parents going through the PPT process.
Free School Based Developmental Screenings and Support Services
Each year our therapists offer FREE developmental screenings to pre-schools and elementary schools throughout Fairfield County. These screenings help identify children that might benefit from further assessment or treatment by an Occupational or Physical therapist. The screenings are conveniently done at the childs school and followed up with a report for the parents to explain the therapists findings and recommendations. Additionally our Therapists offer school based intervention, teacher consultation and staff support services at many local private and public schools. Some of the schools that offer OT-Kids support services are:

If you are interested in offering free developmental screens or would like OT-Kids to provide support services, staff training or consultation at your school please contact us today!
Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE's)
Sometimes situations occur when an unbiased assessment of a child is needed as part of the PPT process. When this situation occurs a parent or a school district might request that a licensed practitioner that is not employed by the district complete the evaluation or IEE. The Occupational and Physical Therapists at OT-Kids provide Independent Educational Evaluations for local school districts when requested and approved. Our thorough evaluations examine all areas of motor development including gross & fine motor coordination, sensory processing and sensory motor skills, visual motor/visual perception skills, praxis, activities of daily living skills, graphomotor skills, and functional mobility. For availability and pricing please contact our office.
Inservice Trainings & Staff Development
Supporting teachers and administrators is an integral part of providing effective intervention to our patients. We strive to provide a collaborative approach that ensures each child is getting the support they need across all environments; this includes the home and of corse in the classroom as well. The team at OT-Kids has created a number of staff development programs and inservice presentations on topics that will help educators not only identify a child that may require support services but also how to best address concerns they may encounter in the classroom.
Curriculum Consultation
Our expertise in the areas of sensory processing and fine motor/handwriting interventions allow us to assist educators and administrators in developing and modifying curriculum to ensure that the needs of all students are met. Our therapist consult with schools to help design classrooms that provide sensory rich environments that nourishes attention, engagement, socialization and success. We can recommend flexible seating options and provide tools that would be helpful for children who need additional support. With advanced expertise in the areas of handwriting intervention, our therapists can help write developmentally appropriate handwriting curriculum or help schools that wish to integrate the Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum into their classrooms.
PPT Support
The processes of having a child identified as needing special education support (Sped) or navigating PPT meetings for children that already have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be daunting to say the least. Our therapists are here to help support parents every step of the way. We can help teach parents how to interpret and read IEP's, give support in navigating parental rights and help ensure that school based goals and objectives are appropriately addressing a childs needs. By request we will attend PPT meetings to help ensure that our patients receive the most effective school based interventions and to help bridge communication between their private and school based intervention teams.